If you start the GMS-Manager the first time, you will see the following window:
Here you can define the relevant GAMS installation folder, create a project file and add a GAMS license.
In the first section of the welcome window you can choose the folder where GAMS is installed.
If GMS-Manager does not find the folder automatically you can search it manually by clicking on the button "Change GAMS system folder..."
Here you can create you first GMS-Manager-project.
Simply click on create or add a project file and you will be able to create a new project file or open an existing one.
If you have a GAMS license file you can add it with the button " Add license file..."
If not, you have the normal GAMS limitations for users not owning a GAMS license. (restriction by Maximum model size: 2000 constrains and 3000
When you click on "Run GMS-Manager" you have two options to open or create files in your project. The first one is to open or create a file from the task bar and the second one is to choose a file in the tree view on the right.
Click on this button to create a new file.
Click on this button to open existing files and add them to your project structure.
Click on this button to run debug and run a gams job (the current base file)
Click on this button to compile a project file (the current base file). This way, some errors which are marked in brown will disappear.
If there are already files in your project folder you can manage them in the Folder Structure, which will be shown on the right side of your GMS-Manager window.
The Folder Structure shows a treeview of your project folder and all including folders, subfolders and supported files.
For showing the functionality of GMS-Manger, the file transport.gms is transformed, so that other files are called using $include-statements.
If you open this file, you will be asked if you want to declare it as a new base file. If you agree, the file will be opened and interpreted by the GMS-Manager. All included files will be marked in the same color as the base-file transport.gms (blue).
You will see all symbols which are used in your base file and included files on the left side of the GMS-Manager window.
GAMS-jobs can be executed by clicking on the symbol and terminated by clicking on the
You will always run the current base-file (in our case transport.gms), even if a file, which is included by the base-file is currently opened and selected.
In the upper menu bar of GMS-Manager you see these two icons. The left one is the "GMS-Manager" icon, the right one the "GDX-Editor" icon. If you click them, you will switch between the GMS-Manager and the GDX-Editor. If you click two times on the "GDX-Editor" icon, you will see the data-charts of your chosen gdx-symbol.
When you click on "GDX-Editor" icon on the right side, you will see the symbols contained in the gdx-file on the left side and the contained sets and their elements on the upper part of the right side.
The parameter "rep" is declared to have 4 sets. All sets are "*", so that the set names are generated automatically (e.g. rep_Set0). You can change the order of the sets and whether they are shown as a row or column by clicking on the head line, keeping the mouse clicked and dragging them to another position.
The GDX-Editor contains several methods of calculating statistical values and comparing cells. The settings can be found in the "Statistics"-Tab in the bottom-bar. For further details, see the documentation of gdx statistics.